<aside> 💻 Login to the metadata application at https://twdb.tdis.io/metadata_app/login


Reviewing your uploads

After you log into the MS2 system, you’ll see a list of all of the models you have uploaded.

Screen Shot 2022-08-04 at 11.24.22 AM.png

Each model will show information about when it was last updated, as well as the status of the model.

If you have not yet uploaded the model, you can click and made edits to the model metadata.

What do statuses mean?

Communicating with TWDB

After you have uploaded a model, you can click the model name and pull up a Status and Messages screen:

Screen Shot 2022-08-04 at 11.28.17 AM.png

From here, you can click to send a message to the TWDB admin about the model or the model metadata.